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Hey everybody, there is a Xandria street team about to be created and it would be great to have YOU as a part of it! Read this message from the head of the street team:

“Dear Xandria fans,
As you may already have noticed, our Xandrians will soon release their new album "Sacrificium” and there´s already quite a bunch of concerts announed for Europe and North America.
In good tradition of many bands now there´s the plan to found a street team to support Xandria with promotion, for example by sprading flyers and posters etc.
Of course there should be some little rewards from time to time for the streetteamer fans as a “thank you”, like exclusive Xandria street team shirts and more things like that!
So I ask you to give me some feedback on who of you would principally like to support this our very band! The details about support actions will be announced later, when there are particular promotion plans and we have the material for this.
I hope there will be many Xandria fans jumping on this, so come on everybody!

Andreas (also a fan)“

So, don´t hesitate - write an email to streetteam@xandria.de today and be part of the magic!