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…and you can be the new owner! The reason is that Xandria have a new endorsement deal, so these amps and cabinets, though being superb guitar equipment, have to leave us now!
It´s two nice towers of the rare and splendid German “Earforce” brand - and they had been exclusively customized for Xandria with their silver design.
Yes: there are only two of those existing in the whole world!
Full road proof cases inclusive by the way!
If you are interested, just send an email to webmaster@xandria.de to get more information.
As a nice extra, Marco and Philip will personally hand out the stacks to you at the Xandria rehearsal room and instruct you in using them - and if you want, they will sign the amps for you, too!
Of course you can choose if you want one or both stacks - first come first serve!
(Note: We can also ship them - shipping costs have to be calculated extra then)